Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The colors of our life.

sometimes, life's doesnt treat u quite fair..It's not the world itself making this life's our own self that making things hard cuz of our stupid rules and how we judge other people 'round us..sometimes, we give negative judgements, whatmore wrongly judging people..But also, it's funny that we want others to treat us nicely while we didnt treat them well..hmm..

what do u see in people?what do u want from them?what make the people as a person to u?how do u look into their traits?How do u accept them for the way they are?why does it bothers u when their traits doesnt meet ur do u deal with it?

So, to play safe, just learn how to accept people for the way they are. It couldnt be help that somewhat not everybody could satisfy ur needs. Just remember and bear in mind that nobody's perfect. everyone plays their own rule, they posses the colors of their own..and to make a perfect picture (u like beautiful pictures dont u?) we need them to complete our pictures..=)..

Allah is so Great and the most Brilliant..that He grants us different colors individually, so that we could help others paint their life canvas..This is so sweet...which colors are u?

p/s: Happy painting!

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